On May 19th several groups of advocacy hit the State Capitol in Lansing to speak to House Representatives and our Senators about the Anti-Caregiver Bill Package and House Bill 5512 that would allow Judges to undermine a Medical Marijuana recommendation from a doctor. #Judgesarenotdoctors

Looking on the Bright Side
We also spent some time talking about the positive and productive bills in the house.
Jayden's Law HB 4796
HB 4797 John Sinclair Act/De-schedule Marijuana HB 5877 Remove Medical Marijuana Sales Tax HB 4085 HB 4086
Pictured Left: Stacey Watrobski, Eric Gunnels, Jeff Hoover, Kenneth Andrews, Rick Anstiss, Biyyiah Lee, Russell Pattern, Dr Mike Whitty, Michael Thue, Richard Clements, Audrey Stromberg, Latrisha Matson, Joe Sullivan, Gus Rosania. Pictured Front from Left : Tanya Kaye, Gail Whitty, Miriam Halprin, Amie Carter

Pictured Left: Latrish Matson, Leaha Skylar Dotson, Najanava Harvey-Quinn, Mitzi Ruddock Zahra Abbas and Amie Carter
Groups from:
Michigan Normal https://www.minorml.org/
More Than Hope https://www.morethanhope.info/
Clean Smoke Investment Project
Black Cannabis Access
Michigan Cannabis Caucus
The Hero Project
Michigan Center for Compassion
MidWest CannaNurses
The Ancient Extracts Company
Mike PHD and Gail Whitty
Sunshine Cannabis Consulting
67th District Candidate
Eric Gunnels
68th District Candidate
Amie Carter
And Many Others....
Thank you to Brandy Zink from Michigan ASA Chapter for pulling together a strong group of advocates who worked together to spread the message to our legislators.

Moving Forward!
With Representatives and Senators terming out, we are going to see some action on the floors of both the House and The Senate.
The Michigan Weedsters will dedicate time to fight these bills with evidence. We depend on the public to fill out surveys to help us with evidence based data.
Please do your part and call your Legislatures and say NO to the Cannabis Safety Act HB5300-5302